Friday, 29 March 2013

Baby Boy Islamic Names Starts With a2

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abdul-JabbarServant of the Mighty Boy
Abdul-JaleelServant of the Great; Revered Boy
Abdul-JalilServant of the Great, Revered One Boy
Abdul-KarimServant of the Noble, Generous One Boy
Abdul-KhaaliqServant of the Creator Boy
Abdul-KhaliqServant of the Creator Boy
Abdul-LatifServant of the Kind One Boy
Abdul-MajidServant of the Glorious One Boy
Abdul-MalikServant of the Master (or King) Boy
Abdul-MatinServant of the Firm, Strong Boy
Abdul-Mu'izzServant of the Giver of Might and Glory Boy
Abdul-MuhaiminServant of the Supervising, the Guardian, the Protector Boy
Abdul-MujibServant of the Responder Boy
Abdul-Muta'alServant of the Most High Boy
Abdul-NasirServant of the Helper, Protector Boy
Abdul-NasserServant of the Victorious One Boy
Abdul-QaadirServant of the Capable Boy
Abdul-QadirServant of the Capable, Powerful Boy
Abdul-QahaarServant of the Subduer,The Almighty Boy
Abdul-QahharServant of the Subduer, the Almighty Boy
Abdul-QuddusServant of the Most Holy Boy
Abdul-QudoosServant of the Most Holy Boy
Abdul-Ra'ufServant of the Most Merciful Boy
Abdul-RafiServant of the One Who Raises, Elevates (intellect, esteem) Boy
Abdul-RaheemServant of the Most Compassionate Boy
Abdul-RahimServant of the Most Compassionate One Boy
Abdul-RahmanServant of the Merciful One Boy
Abdul-RaoufServant of the Most Merciful Boy
Abdul-RasheedServant of the Rightly Guided Boy
Abdul-RashidServant of the Rightly Guided One Boy
Abdul-RazaaqServant of the Maintainer; The Provider Boy
Abdul-RazzaqServant of the Maintainer, the Provider Boy
Abdul-SaburServant of the Patient Boy
Abdul-SalaamServant of the Peace Boy
Abdul-SalamServant of the Peace Boy

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